After receiving feedback on the
first draft of my script from fellow students and my tutor, I have decided that the elements of my script that needs to be tampered with are mostly to do with its narration. But I have decided that I am definitely keeping the end as it is because I feel it reflects my own personality and therefore artistic trait. However, In my second draft I need to:
- Establish the financial predicament that Konrad is in.
- Create characters that are scientists that run tests on the hippophant before it is unveiled.
- Take out the phone call and the TV report.
One of the most worrying comments about the translation of my script to screen, is that people are worried about the creature itself. However, I hope to build my script in to one that that uses strong causalities, where the object or idea is interchangeable. By developing strong characters and cause and effect scenarios, my script can be easily adapted in to any story surrounding the morals of fraud. So back to the drawing board!
stunning picture. Whoever took that must have some real talent